Thursday, 14 June 2018

Yogic Food at Sri Yoga Peeth

 Yogic Food - Sattvic Diet

Food plays an important role in yogic lifestyle and so yoga practice.

Did you ever think that the food you eat may be the technique for deepening of Yoga and meditation? At SriYoga Peeth, we keep food as a priority and so offer Sattvic diet to our students. Sattvic diet has been verified by the saints and monks and considers useful in yogic practice for a guaranteed success!

Whatever we eat directly shows results in our health and so as Yoga is much more related to Heath, then Right Diet should be the topmost priority!

Yoga comes from the soul and practice by the body!

So, it is very much necessary to maintain a proper balance between these so and for this purpose, Sri YogaPeeth offers Sattvic Diets to students at our yoga school in Rishikesh.

Sattvic Diet???? What is it?

As per the philosophy of yoga & Ayurveda; there are 3 qualities (gunas) present in different amounts in all things in nature, i.e.,
  • Raja (shows the quality hot, spicy & fast)
  • Tama (shows the quality slow, lethargic & bland)
  • Sattva (shows the quality purity & harmony)

The hot, salty, spicy or bitter nature of Rajasic food excite the passions by overstimulating your mind!

The bland quality of the Tamasic food affects negatively the physical & mental well-being of the body!

Talking about the Sattvic Diet, it the purest diet and so most suitable for a yoga student. It is a way more helpful in maintaining a peaceful balance between body and mind.

What includes in a Sattvic Diet?

  • Organic, fresh fruits & vegetables
  • Beans & Lentils
  • Milk, Ghee & other dairy products
  • Oils extracted from plants
  • Whole grains & nuts
  • Honey, Molasses or other mildly sweet foods
  • Spices including basil, cinnamon, coriander, ginger and turmeric
  • Pure fruit juices
  • Sprouted seeds


  • Keeps body nourished and mind clear.
  • Leads to true health.
  • Maintains a balance between body, mind & spirit.
  • Increases Prana (life energy force) and higher state of consciousness.
  • Opens a way to a healthy, happy, and holy life.